200hr Bodhi Yoga Teacher Training starting in January 2024

Interested in taking your practice to a deeper level in 2024? 

Our next Training will start in January 2024. It will be a 220hr training combining (hybrid) ‘online’ AND ‘in-studio’ environment. However 70% of the course is in person in Cork. Eight weekends in person and 4 online weekends.

A hybrid yoga teacher training can provide numerous benefits to aspiring yoga instructors. With a combination of in-person and online learning, hybrid programs offer flexibility and convenience, allowing students to tailor their schedule. Additionally, our hybrid programs often provide a more comprehensive curriculum, with access to a wider range of expert teachers and resources.  Each month we dedicate our weekends to meeting up in-person or online. We find in those winter months the students feel the benefit of being at home in the comfort. However, to our surprise, doing the online training has provided many benefits. To name just a few, it is more accessible for a lot of the trainees as there is no commute to studio needed. The online format lends itself very well to lectures and presentations.  Even our led group practice or self practice is improved as it means that we can easily keep an eye on all the trainees, instead of being in a busy studio space.  The trainees get our undivided attention and focus.

But without doubt there are parts of a yoga training that should be held in person also.  Having the group all together in 1 space leads to a better connection and sangha (community). Certain elements such as teaching adjustments, mantra practice and even just a group practice, all together…the energy from that is something that can’t be replicated online. The majority of our weekends are in person except four online weekends.

Students can also benefit from the community and support of their fellow trainees, as well as the opportunity to practice and teach in real-life settings. Overall, a hybrid yoga teacher training can offer a well-rounded and enriching experience for those looking to deepen their practice and share it with others.

With that in mind, we have decided to combine the best of both worlds for our new training. We will be one of the few yoga teacher trainings in Ireland offering a hybrid course of online and in person training. Taking what works best from each platform and combining them into a new training.

STARTING January 2024

Our 220hr Teacher Training is a yogic education with a difference. We have put together this training to share our love and knowledge of the practice. We are committed to high quality standards in our own practices and teachings, and our students benefit from this. Our course is taught combining practice and theory. Our Teacher Training isn’t just for aspiring teachers, but for anyone who wishes to deepen their personal practice and gain a better insight into the origins of yoga and the philosophy. Training with us will give you the knowledge and confidence to be competent on the mat and in the classroom and inspire others to practice in a safe and educated manner. It is Yoga Alliance certified.

The word bodhi in Sanskrit means "awakening" but is often translated into English as "enlightenment." In our teacher training we hope to 'awaken' within you the many gifts that come through the practice of Yoga. Myself and Nikki Cousins are the main facilitators on the 200hrs yoga teacher training course online and in studio as well as having high quality guest teachers.

This is a training for experienced and dedicated Yoga students who wish to deepen their practice as well as share my experience and knowledge with others. Nikki Cousins and myself who have a combined 20 years of teaching experience teach the Teacher Training Program.

Why do Teacher Training? 

Ultimately you are at that place where there is an inner knowing that there is more to this practice than you are already experiencing, and you have a desire that wants to learn more and to go deeper into the practice. You may also be at the place where you have been deeply affected by your yoga practice and want to share this with others.  Through facilitation and help of our teachers you will be able to learn and understand what it truly means to practice the path of yoga.  During the training you will learn how to develop your own practice, which includes: what to do in your asana practice; how to sequence; how to balance, how to develop your understanding of the asanas.  

You will also learn how to turn your awareness inwards: how to quite your mind and how to enliven; how to breathe; how to bring awareness to your own natural rhythm.  Ultimately we are looking to free ourselves from the constraints of our habitual and conditioned mind. We learn how to observe ourselves, show restraint, be at ease with ourselves and be a witness to the constant change within us. 


Taking place over a eleven-month study period, you’ll be part of a like-minded group, which will set you on a healing and transformative journey. A sangha is a necessary part of any spiritual path.

The study will require your full commitment in and out of the classroom, but rest assured the process will be further enhanced through the friendships you make on this course.

If this sounds like you, read on for more detail on what each module of the program entails. 


Learn how to master sequencing, delivery, inspirational theming and hands-on assisting to create truly inspirational classes for your students. Gain teaching experience from the get-go, receiving live feedback and coaching throughout the course. 

Delve into the roots of yogic history and tradition to discover ancient teachings that are just as relevant today. 

Discover the practice of meditation and what it truly means to be mindful in one’s life. Learn techniques in how to observe and calm the mind. You could say it's a form of personal development for the mind. We will cover topics such as shamanta meditation, introduction to the Four Foundations Of Mindfulness, loving kindness and compassion. 

Learn the science of anatomy and physiology through the practice of yoga. We will go through the main body systems, organs, bones and muscle groups.  By using your eye learn how to spot the mechanics of the human body through posture, alignment, common ailments and injuries. 

Often the side of nutrition is seen through the lens of an academic book and not from the every day lives of a yogi trying to practice and fulfil their everyday tasks. We offer a fresher perspective on how to combine best nutritious practcies with your practice and that includes the busyness of life.  

The breath is one of the cornerstones of yoga practice and indeed of life itself. During the training we will look at the subtle yogic practice called pranayama by learning specific breath techniques. There will be pranayama practice sessions each weekend, and we will study specific pranayama practices. 

We will explore Ayurveda its history and its application. Learn the ancient practice of observing the natural cycle of the Ayurveda seasons, look at Ayurveda diet principles, the relationship between yoga and Ayurveda, the gunas, three doshas and how to apply all of these principles 

At the very heart of any teacher training is the practice of asana, meditation and pranayama. We will be teaching these on each weekend, to deepen your understanding and awareness. You will also be expected to start and maintain a home practice, so that there is a natural progression during the training. The emphasis is on integration of these practices into your life, not just flexibility whilst on the mat. 

We have an amazing experienced group of guest teachers and collaborators on these trainings.

In between our weekend trainings, we will be offering a mentorship program within the training. Each of our students will get one-on-one attention and there will be monthly practice sessions so that we can track our students progress and explore more advanced practices. 

For more information please contact me info@kathrynmyoga.com

For more information and application’s please get in touch at info@kathrynmyoga.com

“Keep in mind that, when you practice yoga, you’re not practicing to improve yourself. You are perfect. The practice is there to help you know that.” –Maty Ezraty